Press Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 19, 2025 CONTACT: Aida Farah, [email protected], 571-243-0974 NEW DATA: New England Consumers Happy With Broadband Service, Adding Cable Video Services, Optimistic About AI   Third annual NECTA survey shows rising AI use, approval of cyber protections, and widespread rejection of municipally-owned broadband networks among New England...

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What is happening with young people and cord-cutting in New England? Do New Englanders fear cyberattacks? What does AI mean for the region and the world? Are consumers happy with their cable and broadband service? Learn the answers to these questions and more in the...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 13, 2023 CONTACT Benji Englander [email protected] (202) 331-0042 NECTA Welcomes Anna Lucey as Executive Vice President of Legislative & External Affairs Experienced telecom strategist will enhance trade association’s advocacy across New England BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS – The New England Connectivity and Telecommunications Association (NECTA) today welcomed Anna Lucey as Executive Vice...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Benji Englander [email protected] (202) 331-0042 NECTA Unveils “Innovation Index” Finding High Consumer Satisfaction with Internet and TV Providers Wide-ranging survey details New England consumer and voter perceptions of the connectivity and telecommunications industries and the policy issues facing the region December 9, 2022 – BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS – After the...

A Letter from NECTA President Timothy O. Wilkerson  NECTA has unveiled a sweeping rebrand for our organization as we become the New England Connectivity and Telecommunications Association. Our rebrand is a complete modernization of every aspect of our association, including our new name, a brand-new website...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 19, 2022 CONTACT Elizabeth-Burton Jones [email protected] (202) 870-6709 NECTA Rebrands With Focus on “Connecting New England” to the Technology, Content and Services Needed to Thrive in the Information Economy With an Eye Toward Expansion and a Clear Vision for the Future, Storied Trade Association Is Now the New England...