09 Jun America’s Internet Speeds Continue to Surge Ahead
With the United States having the monumental opportunity to close the digital divide, it is helpful to get an idea of how download speeds have changed over time. Thanks to the more than $300 billion invested by cable internet providers over the last 20 years, internet speeds have surged from single digit megabit speeds to multigigabit connections.
Since 2020, when millions of Americans abruptly moved their work, school, and social lives online due to the pandemic, the average U.S. download speed has increased 88 Mbps, according to Ookla. That’s because America’s broadband leaders future proof their networks to anticipate future demand, ensuring that tomorrow’s networks are ready before they’re needed.
The cable broadband industry has been building towards the 10G platform for years, because while the next great digital innovation might still be a mystery, one can be sure it will be powered by robust broadband networks.
To learn more about the future of super-fast internet, be sure to check out the page on the NCTA website.