Message from NECTA’s President
Message from NECTA’s President
NECTA and our members are relentless in our pursuit of making a positive impact in the communities where we serve. We celebrate the strength of New England’s diverse workforce, and we recognize that our industry’s success comes from the diverse background, cultures, experiences and viewpoints of our region.
As NECTA’s President, I am committed to ensuring that our industry continues to embrace diversity of background, experience, and perspective, NECTA and our members strive to make New England a better, more inclusive place to live and work.
Today, NECTA members are working to support equitable access to connectivity solutions in the communities where they operate. Our members are closing the digital divide in both rural counties and inner cities by providing equal access to the tools and connectivity technologies to succeed in the 21st century economy. Whether it’s donating resources such as laptops or offering free and low-cost internet service, our members are dedicated to lifting up diverse communities to help close the digital divide.
Tim Wilkerson
Support for Diversity Organizations:
NECTA supports the following organizations that are supporting diverse communities in New England and beyond.
The WICT Network
The Walter Kaitz Foundation
Cable’s Diversity Week
WICT New England–Women in Cable Television